Smokehouse Recipes
Whole Smoked Trout or Kokanee, Wet & Dry Brine

When it comes to smoking fish, you can't go wrong with the Little Chief Smoker or Big Chief Smoker. These smokers keep the fish at a constant temperature without the worry of heat fluctuation that may cause the fish to "cook" instead of "smoke." The Smokehouse Gas Smoker will also smoke fish at lower temperatures but must be monitored more to keep temperatures low. The temperature gauge located in the door of the gas smoker, makes checking temperatures very easy. Once you have smoked a few batches of food, it's easy to regulate temperatures and find the sweet spot on...
Grilled Cedar Plank Salmon

The process of cooking food on cut wood dates back to Native American cultures on both the East and West coasts of North America. This style of cooking results in tender, juicy, smokey meats. Fish and lean meats lend themselves well to plank cooking as the plank helps retain moisture during the cooking process. Another benefit of plank cooking is that it keeps the grill clean. Nothing sticks and there are no more messy grates to scrub after dinner. Plank cooking can go from the grill to the picnic table, portioned out and served right from the wood. Be sure...
Easy Tips to Get the Best Smoked Salmon

Here are some easy tips to get the best smoked salmon (or trout), like how to solve common issues like having your salmon getting stuck to your grills. Keep your salmon from sticking to your grills... You can spray your grills with pam or whatever else and people will tell you in won't stick... well, it's gonna stick, we guarantee it. Try some Drying Screens, they fit right on your grills and the salmon won't stick to them. Plus you can take them right out and put them in the dishwasher to clean them. It's easy and simple and eliminates the...
Smoked Trout on a Budget

Use your “freezer fish,” and avoid fishmonger sticker shock! Depending on where you live, it seemed like a long and cold winter, where cleaning out the freezer of last season’s salmon and trout fillets just wasn’t in the cards. Now that most of the “arctic blasts” are over, it’s time to start reliving some of last year’s great angling memories and making room for some of the fresh fish from springtime adventures that are just around the corner! The big bonuses for doing some “refrig-rummaging” is that not only are you going to win a few points from your significant-other...
Original Smoked Trout Recipe

Nearly identical to our Original Smoked Salmon Recipe this recipe is perhaps the best smoked trout recipe that works great for rainbow trout, brown trout, kokanee, steelhead, brook trout, cutthroat trout, sea run trout and all the rest of the trout species. Smokehouse Products has been using this smoked trout recipe for over 40 years since when we began making our Big Chief and Little Chief Electric Smokers back in 1968. The recipe is basic, it’s simple, and it consistently makes absolutely mouth-watering smoked trout. With just two ingredients, salt and brown sugar, (or use our premixed Smokehouse Trout and Salmon Brine...