Smokehouse Recipes
Smokey Grilled Wild Game Backstrap

Smokey Grilled Wild Game Backstrap
Wild game is the leanest meat you will ever cook with and this means, on the grill, it can quickly become the driest meat you will ever eat. Not treating wild game like domesticated beef or pork is the first step to success. Start out with a tenderizing rub or marinade and keep an internal thermometer on hand. Backstrap doesn’t need a lot of cooking and should be enjoyed rare to medium rare so get it off the heat once it reaches 140º. With quick cooking times, smokey flavor may be hard to impart without a smoke device. This is where the Smokehouse Smoker Box comes in to surround your grilled meats with wonderful smokey flavors. It’s easy to use, small, portable and can produce smoke for up to 2 hours.